純ベントナイトクレイパウダー, 1.2 lbs (544 g) ボトル
39302<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Face & Body Detox</h2> <p>Bentonite is a pure volcanic deposit with the ability to produce an "electrical charge" when hydrated. This unique ability makes it ideal as a purifying facial mask to help remove excess oil and dirt. It has a high content of naturally-occurring trace minerals, which allow it to support healthy-looking skin tone and texture. Bentonite has also become popular in health spas to help promote fresh, youthful-looking skin.</p> <p>Bentonite Clay Powder has a high content of trace minerals that have been used historically to maintain healthy skin tone and texture of the body as well by absorbing excess oil and extracting impurities. Bentonite is a popular clay that is known to promote fresh, youthful-looking skin. It should not be used on sensitive areas of the body.</p>セール終了まであと日
- 21日
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- 05時間
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- 24分
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- 02秒
純ベントナイトクレイパウダー, 1.2 lbs (544 g) ボトル
39302<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Face & Body Detox</h2> <p>Bentonite is a pure volcanic deposit with the ability to produce an "electrical charge" when hydrated. This unique ability makes it ideal as a purifying facial mask to help remove excess oil and dirt. It has a high content of naturally-occurring trace minerals, which allow it to support healthy-looking skin tone and texture. Bentonite has also become popular in health spas to help promote fresh, youthful-looking skin.</p> <p>Bentonite Clay Powder has a high content of trace minerals that have been used historically to maintain healthy skin tone and texture of the body as well by absorbing excess oil and extracting impurities. Bentonite is a popular clay that is known to promote fresh, youthful-looking skin. It should not be used on sensitive areas of the body.</p>More Information
Face & Body Detox
Bentonite is a pure volcanic deposit with the ability to produce an "electrical charge" when hydrated. This unique ability makes it ideal as a purifying facial mask to help remove excess oil and dirt. It has a high content of naturally-occurring trace minerals, which allow it to support healthy-looking skin tone and texture. Bentonite has also become popular in health spas to help promote fresh, youthful-looking skin.
Bentonite Clay Powder has a high content of trace minerals that have been used historically to maintain healthy skin tone and texture of the body as well by absorbing excess oil and extracting impurities. Bentonite is a popular clay that is known to promote fresh, youthful-looking skin. It should not be used on sensitive areas of the body.
脂性肌の場合は、大さじ一杯 のPipingRockベントナイトクレイと大さじ一杯 の水を混ぜて粘り気のあるペーストを作り、敏感な部分を避けて顔や首に塗ってください。 15~20分かけて乾燥させ、次に暖かい水ですすぎ、軽くたたいて乾燥させ、すぐに保湿剤を塗布します。 健康的な肌の色を維持するために、週に1~2回の使用をお勧めします。 身体の問題がある部分については、カバーする必要がある表面積に応じて、使用量を2倍にする必要があります。 同じ使用方法のガイドラインに従ってください。警告:
外用のみ。 摂取しないでください。 妊娠中、授乳中、服薬中の場合には、使用前に医師にご相談ください。 赤み、炎症、不快感またはその他の拒絶反応が起きた場合は使用を中止し、医師に相談してください。 目に入らないようにしてください。 キャップの下のシールが破損または紛失している場合には、使用なさらないでください。 お子様の手に触れない場所に保存してください。 乾燥した涼しい場所に保存してください。その他の情報:
この製品はかさではなく重さで販売されています。いくらか沈降することがあります。PipingRockの品質にかける情熱は 社内の高度分析検査によって支えられています
PipingRockが最高の品質を保証できるのは、自社の最先端施設で製品を 開発・製造・検査しているからです。